On 29 March, the LIFE RESEAU partners met at ITG headquarters in A Coruña where they monitored the project’s progress. Aqualia and ITG participated in the event in person, while representatives of VCS Denmark attended telematically via a live broadcasting system.
The meeting, which reviewed the adequate progress of the first package of LIFE RESEAU actions, took into consideration on the one hand the planning of the ongoing works and on the other hand the state in which these works should be in August 2023 in order to comply with the foreseen timetable.
In the case of the Spanish pilot, carried out by Aqualia in the town of Moaña, devices that measure quality, level and flow of water are being installed at various strategic points in the sewerage network. In addition to the installation of the sensors, work has begun on the remodelling of the municipality’s wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), with the aim of adapting it to test technologies proposed by LIFE RESEAU.
With regard to the Danish pilot, located in Søndersø, it will not be necessary to install a sensor system like the one being carried out in Moaña, since the municipality’s network already has its own. As the entity responsible for this pilot, VCS wanted to highlight that the planned refurbishment of the Søndersø WWTP is progressing well. Two solutions are being implemented, including aerated membrane biofilm reactors (MARB) and a storm water treatment module (SWTM).
The Intelligent Infiltration/Runoff Management System (SiiMS) developer, ITG, closed the round of interventions. Regarding this project solution, the partners presented the progress of the development of the platform and commented on the models with which it is planned to carry out modelling based on Artificial Intelligence and hybrid models, which help, among other things, to predict incidents in the sanitation system, flow flows and their typology or water quality.
At the end of the day, the partners visited the ITG facilities and got to know other research areas of the Technology Centre such as Artificial Intelligence and ICT, Energy, Sensorics and Drones.