Our colleagues from ITG will participate in two events where information about our LIFE RESEAU project will be disseminated.

On the one hand, we will attend the 8th European Congress of the International Association of Hydro-Environmental Engineering (IAHR). This event is a prestigious meeting of experts and professionals from around the world and represents an unmissable opportunity for collaboration and exchange of synergies between experts in the water sector. In this edition, the theme will be ‘Water Across Boundaries’.

Our colleague Míriam Timiraos will participate with a presentation on LIFE RESEAU entitled ‘Advancing Combined Sewer Network Management: the Smart infiltration/inflow Management System (SiiMS)’ in which we will discuss the development of this platform (SiiMS) as a decision support for advanced integrated water cycle management to detect and quantify infiltration and inflows (Infiltration/Inflow) through hydraulic, AI and hybrid models.

On the other hand, our colleague Juan Sobreira will also be present at a workshop organised by the Water4All initiative related to the use of ‘digital tools for water management’. The specific objectives of the workshop are:

  • Facilitate dialogue and knowledge exchange between stakeholders on digital tools for water management.
  • Identify challenges, opportunities and emerging trends in this field.
  • Explore possible strategies, solutions and best practices to improve the use of digital tools for water management.

Our participation in these two events will serve to share our vision, challenges and results with experts from the sector and to present the achievements and current status of LIFE RESEAU in order to try to achieve a major objective: to reduce up to 100% the discharges of untreated stormwater (SWO, StormWater Overflows) in areas of intense rainfall such as Moaña and Søndersø.