On 23 March, the works to implement the technological improvements promoted by LIFE RESEAU began at the Moaña Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). Over the next few months, our partner Aqualia will be responsible for the coordination of these works.
As Aqualia’s technicians explained to representatives of the municipal government, the main innovation proposed by LIFE RESEAU in Moaña is the fact that the capacity of the WWTP will be increased without the need to extend the constructed surface area. This will be possible thanks to the implementation of the AGS solution, based on advanced biofilm reactors.
The work on the WWTP itself will take an estimated three months and is preceded by the installation of level meters, high-precision flow meters and water quality probes. Data has also been collected from the entire sewage network of the municipality, covering 75% of it. On the one hand, this information capture phase has been of vital importance to achieve a correct analysis of the needs of the network and, on the other hand, it will help to configure the predictive models based on artificial intelligence of the SiiMS solution.
With regard to the works carried out at the Moaña WWTP facilities, also known as “O Latón”, these consist of compartmentalising one of the reactors that are not in use. This conventional reactor will be converted into an advanced biofilm reactor, on which a solution based on bacterial cell colonies will be applied to help process the wastewater more quickly and efficiently.
In order to inform interested groups about the most relevant aspects of LIFE RESEAU, as an innovative and “pioneering project in Spain”, Moaña Town Council has undertaken to organise an information day at the WWTP itself to explain the advantages and expected benefits of this initiative.